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Writer's pictureParis Dunbar

Word Up Wednesday: The Silence Around me.

What's up everyone! And welcome back to another Word Up Wednesday! It's always a pleasure waking up and writing on my blog. It gives me this sense of fulfillment and purpose, almost like choosing the green juice over the old fashion donut from Starbucks lol. Am I the only one that's obsessed with those donuts? I love them way too much.

Anyway! Let's get into some coolness.

Lately, I've noticed this new level of silence around me. It's peaceful, and it doesn't provide much worldly noise at all. As a matter of fact, it's so peaceful that I am no longer interested in chasing anything.

You see, I've come a looooong way from my Columbus, Ohio roots and that's because my driving force was "The Future". My future potential, the hustle, the possibilities, the always in a rush and the infamous "When I get this imma be ...." or "I can't wait till I'm ....", you get the just.

So, naturally in that mental space the world is a louder place. And nothing you do will ever be enough because doubt lives there, comparison, insufficiency, eagerness, the lack of presence, and searching.

But, lately I've noticed this silence around me. It allows me to take my time, turn off the TV, and become more acquainted with where I am right now. The pursuit and possibility no longer fuels me, but my faith in what God has shown is more than good enough. I can confidently be in the now, be at home, eat good food, strive for greatness and embrace taking one step at a time.

I am no longer interested in looking to the finish line, but looking down at where I am and finding joy in my current works. This Silence leads me confidently in the knowing that, "What's for me is for me, and I will not miss out on anything". All I can do is what I know to do in the here and now and be content in my current circumstances.

At first, this awareness was a little scary, but now I see it's a gift. I used to feel there were these places I should be, or friends I should have, or career I should be reaping by now. But now I confidently know that everything has an appointed time, place and space. And I have no idea where any of them are lol so, it's best to just chill, be humble and keep at it.

I don't have to force anything, or yearn for what I have not, or even feel left behind. BECAUSE I DESERVE TO LIVE A GREAT LIFE. While I am still living and young and getting it!


If any of this resonates with you and you haven't received this peace I am referring too. I leave you with this....... Let the world go! Let it all go! Let the comparisons go, let the drama friends go, let the toxic relationship go, let the doubt and anxiety go! Let the final product go! And be proud of who you are now. You are living, you are breathing and you are capable. Keep living, put God first and everything else will follow.


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