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Writer's pictureParis Dunbar

Word Up Wednesday: Stepping Into Fabulous

What's up amazing, beautiful person reading this right now. I am PARIS DUNBAR the great! (haha, it's my blog let me be great) And welcome back to another Word Up Wednesday!

So, today I got my hair done ya'll and let me tell you! It feels so good to be flowing with the wind. Hair is hydrated, shaped and thriving. Any women with a fresh do understands the amazing feeling I have right now. I mean, you can't tell me nothing haha.

Ok, why am I telling you this? Well..... recently I noticed every time I go get my nails done or some sort of beauty service there's this underlying guilt behind it all, as if I am doing something wrong. Like for instance, I am at the nail shop and let's face it, Los Angeles prices are like double to let's say my hometown Columbus, Ohio prices. But, even then this guilt guy would show up regardless of the market I was in. And so, recently I decided to ask this brotha! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING ME!?!? LIKE DUDE, I GOTTA LOOK GOOD. I MODEL, & ACT FOR A LIVING. I AM CONSTANTLY IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA, I AM DOING NOTHING WRONG HERE. BACK BACK!

But you see, even with a little bass in my voice this guilt guy or whatever the heck it is still lingers because he's been around so long provoking this discomfort, I guess he figures "aww, she will give into my negative orbit soon enough mauahahaha".

Here's the thing though, I like looking good! I love getting my hair done, I love the look and feeling I get when my nails are polished and renewed, I love the way my feet feel when they are freshly pedicured, I love having flawless skin and being complimented about it, I love dressing nice, I love standing out, I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!!

Many times we believe the devil is out to get us and saints I am not saying he don't be working, but! in regard to this particular situation it is my realization that the only one out to get me is me! My ego, my subconscious mind, my...limiting belief that paying any dollars to look good, polished and refined is a waste of money. That it doesn't deserve my focus or profits because my funds should only be spent on more practical things like BILLS.....BIlls.... oh and umm Bills....

Well, now that I know there's no one trying to get me I feel better (lol) But, also with this wisdom I now know, that I need to adjust this limiting belief because in order for this guilty feeling to exist, not only do I need to maintain the programming created at a different time but, IT HAS TO CREATE A REALITY that allows it to EXIST.

Our Subconscious minds want to survive too lol. I know that's like what?!? Look the truth is, everyone wants relevance. Everything wants to be seen. The beauty is, we can always change it. SO! I have decided to replace that old agreement with " I LOVE LOOKING GOOD, I LOVE GETTING MY HAIR DONE, I LOVE DRESSING NICE!, I LOVE STANDING OUT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!!!

By replacing one agreement with a much better one, My default feeling adjusts to excitement and joy and those feelings transcend into abundance that flows my way constantly so that I can always do what I love and have what I desire. And I can live my best life, because I deserve it.

So, pay attention to how you feel in certain scenarios and change that agreement to something



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Also, I would love it if you created a profile and officially joined the Blogging community! Either way, Be Great - Paris.

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