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Writer's pictureParis Dunbar

Word Up Wednesday: Consistency is For You!

What's up everyone! And welcome back to another Word Up Wednesday Blog!

Recently God has been speaking to me about keeping my eyes off of my circumstances and turning my head to him so he can properly lead and guide me. And I mean let's face it, the world is a very noisy place to reside in. I think it's safe to say that's why the scripture tells us

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Romans 12:2

Now, I have lived through enough trials and tribulations at this point so I am whole heartedly committed to the will of God in my life. I have no desire to be who I've been, or to conform to the imagery I've seen. So, with that being said, It has come to me that "Consistency" is solely for me. It is the solidifier in my new walk, and the clarifier in my new talk. It is the building of a foundation for others to stand on with me.

Taking my eyes off of the world means ignoring numbers, likes, comments or the lack their of. It's allowing myself to enjoy my very present reality. Not being stuck on what time it is, or working tirelessly every day.

Just simply choosing to be consistent for my self is a teaching process that I must go through because it allows Gods hand to direct me in real time. Consistency is building my confidence, my identity and notoriety. It's creating trust, longevity and discipline.

Consistency is single handedly requiring me to show up for "me" every single day. It teaches me that accountability is my friend. While God is saying, "silence the world, and use your gifts and talents according to my will and watch that I do".

I can honestly say, allowing God to lead the way through his lessons, enlightenment, prayer, and my Husband Abai (shoutout to the praying husbands out there!) is quickly proving

God is not a man, that he should lie; Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? - Numbers 23:19

In Closing, Be confident in knowing that Consistency will transform you! And once that happens everything else will follow. Don't expect perfection with every step you take. And know that as long as your doing your little bit a day, you're going to SOAR FAR BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS. Don't stress yourself out, but hold yourself accountable and last but not least, consult the Heavenly Father in all that you do.


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team hairston
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