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He's in the Room!

What's up Beautiful people! And welcome back to yet another "Word Up Wednesday" Blog! I pray that the lord has blessed you with Joy & Grace in your dwelling place.

May your blessings run over today and forever to come.

Today I wanted to take the time to remind you as God has reminded me that

"He is in The Room". I think it's easy to believe that God is only present at church, or at the latest Christian Conference. Maybe it's possible that you believe God only dwells with Pastors, Prophets or appointed men and Women of the visible gospel.

But as a believer I need you to know that God is with you regardless of who you are, where you are or what choices you make. Our Father is always with us! As a matter of fact, let me prove it to you.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

Some of you are New believers, and some of you are Seasoned, but regardless of how long you've known Jesus it's so easy to walk into doubt, and uncertainty. This is why the Word tells us we must "Renew Our Minds Daily" because the Flesh battle don't stop, the spiritual battles don't stop and let's face it the "Life be Life'n" battle don't stop either lol.

But God say's regardless of what it looks like, please know that

"I AM with you wherever you go". So, when you enter that audition, he's with you. When you walk into that office, opportunity, new relationship etc... He is with you!

Take multiple moments today to acknowledge our God that is in the room! Speak with him throughout your day. Breathe the breath of life and relax in the knowing that he is with you! Even as you read this blog! He is with you!


Glory to Glory to Glory! Because you Deserve to Live A Great Life.

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