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Writer's pictureParis Dunbar

Do You Trust Your Vision?

What's up beautiful people! Welcome back to yet another Word up Wednesday! God is so good in all of his works, and I just love how he holds me accountable on a weekly basis with this blog and the beautiful " A GREAT LIFE." Vision that is promised over my life!

I want to encourage you to ask our oh so gracious, abundant, Holy Father what his greater vision over your life is! If you don't already know of course, and then start taking steps toward it the best way you know how.

Let me tell you! When God gives you a vision over your life, how you get there is not revealed. Which means we have no choice but to "Trust" the process. "Trust Our Father". And utilize the gift of "Faith" that is governed by the Holy Spirit!

YES! I said it! "Faith" is one of the 9 spiritual gifts governed by the Holy Spirit. Some of you may feel you aren't spiritually led but, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, then the Holy Spirit is well within you. Working through you. And you can build up this spiritual gift by not only being aware of it, but also by putting it into action.

Start testing your faith! Operating in your faith! In doing so you will also begin to understand the texture and the tone of The voice of God. Wooo!!! Ya'll I want us to be Holy Ghost filled, faith led, voice of God hearing, life speaking, narrow path walking, MIGHTY children of GOD.

May we set the precedent in the Kingdom on earth! May we want for nothing and be willing to give it all! May we walk in a deep realm of Faith and not be shaken! Yes, we can do it! We are doing it! What God has no man can taketh.

As Pastor Mike Todd say's "We are damaged, but not destroyed". We are able! We are capable, we are spirit led, and we have ministries to build, people to set free! Kingdom business is our business. May your heart be set on fire for God, and may the enlightenment within create applicable actions in your life and daily doings.


God Bless, Don't Stress! It's Paris!

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