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Writer's pictureParis Dunbar

Word Up Wednesday: Rejoice in the Waiting.

What's up beautiful people! And welcome back to another Word Up Wednesday blog. I woke up this morning feeling so rested and grateful for everything around me. I looked over at Abai in adoration, got up and made the most perfect french vanilla coffee, with the help of my Nespresso of course. Sat on the couch, looked out at the Downtown LA high-rise view and went into prayer. In doing so I found myself rejoicing for opportunities I have yet to see, and because God is so good! My heart becoming fuller and fuller as I gave credit and praise to the Heavenly Father.

Now, I woke up feeling good! But, as I worshipped and rejoiced I began feeling elated. Like, they say "Red Bull gives you wings", but I say "Rejoicing gives you flight".

Now, some of you may or may not know that I am a full time Model and Actress. I call this my 9-5. Most of my days consist of filming or attending auditions, self submissions, hearing from my agent and waiting. Waiting on the next booking, or waiting on that one project that will break the glass ceiling.

Gratefully through seeking God, my Heavenly Father highlighted my natural gift of motivation, revelation and my capacity to teach these things in a very comprehensive manner. Being able to shift my focus to something else outside of my 9-5 waiting has increasingly shifted the abundance mentality within my self.

This morning I didn't wake up thinking about auditions and my lack of knowing what my next commercial or film would be. Instead I woke up and rejoiced! I worshipped, and my Joy sky rocketed.

You see, Rejoicing in the waiting changes the whole narrative around you! It creates a Joy bubble that minimizes everything that doesn't really matter. Because the truth is, it always works out anyway. So, if you are feeling sad REJOICE! If you are worried R

EJOICE! If you are living your best life REJOICE! Just choose to REJOICE! No matter what your circumstances are. If you are struggling with an addiction, toxic relationships, no money, no work, feeling alone, whatever the case may be. Cut on some worship music and being thanking God for bringing you out! Rejoice in the fact that "This too shall pass"! Nothing last forever.

Rejoicing provokes Godly shifts in your life.

May you find peace in this scripture.

“It shall come to pass, That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).


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team hairston
team hairston
Feb 08, 2023

This was a prophetic message. Thank

Paris Dunbar
Paris Dunbar
Mar 01, 2023
Replying to

well amen, Glory to God.

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