ush·er /ˈəSHər/
1. show or guide (someone) somewhere.
2. cause or mark the start of something new.

What's poppin' beautiful people! Welcome back to another Word Up Wednesday!! We Lit!! lol haha. I pray today is MIGHTY! I pray today is BLESSED! In Jesus name, amen.
Ok, so today I want to elaborate on the power of ushering in a NEW SEASON!!!
Look, Fall is by far my favorite season of them all. And Spiritually the world is governed by different spirits on many magnificent spectrums. (I've said a lot, so take that in).
When God created the heavens and the Earth he dictated what he desired by simply giving a word. And those whom he allowed to govern that specific territory issued their prominent action in that space. Guys, this world is way more spiritual than you think!
MOVING ON.......
Fall is here and in my opinion it is simply the most transformational time of year! And the color palette is OOO LALA. Wouldn't you say so?
Let me Break it down.
The winds change, the air gets crisp, the tree's change their garments and shed their skin, the world gets a little quieter, families get a little closer, dinner cravings adjust, and let's not get on the fabulous fall fashions.
If these are just some of the physical traits this season has to offer, imagine what it brings spiritually to those that welcome those shifts with open arms into their homes and hearts.
Today I want to encourage you to welcome in the spirit of FALL.
The season of transformation, beauty, bliss and grounded - ness.
Usher in this God given season. Clean out the old, bring in a pop of orange, light a fall scented candle, or whatever you like to do in your home. Usher in transformation and its prominent action will be a word in your life.
God is good and forever the same. His Word is living, breathing and moving every second, every moment of everyday. It's never too late to tap in.
God Bless, Don't Stress, It's Paris!