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Limiting Beliefs: Lets Get Rid of Them

What's up amazing person reading this Word Up Wednesday blog! Thank you for being here. Today I would like to briefly discuss "Limiting Beliefs" and offer a simple solution to ridding yourself of them. Like anything, it's a process but it's necessary when you're doing everything you know to do and still aren't seeing progress on the level that you desire.

Sometimes, simply adjusting our own mental belief system is the last step needed to provoke some serious change.

LIMITING BELIEFS: Are thought patterns adopted through self, based on life experiences, and upbringing. They are restricting, false and lead to negative results, over and over again.

EXAMPLES ARE: "I'm not good enough", "That's too expensive", "I'm broke", "I don't have enough time"etc...

Everyone's list of limiting beliefs will vary but I believe you get the just.

How do I begin getting rid of them?!?!

Well, I am so glad you asked! In order to start ridding yourself of these limiting thoughts I am going to challenge you to do three exercises.

FIRST: Make a list of your limiting beliefs. Just start writing and they will happily fill your page. Misery loves company.

SECOND: Make a list of the negative emotions that come with those Limiting Beliefs. Feelings are waves of creation. That's why when you're feeling good, you attract favorable situations and when you're feeling negative, silly stuff happens.

THIRD: Make a new list of favorable beliefs and how you want to feel moving forward. Because you have written and acknowledged all parties, You will now have a lot more awareness. So, when a limiting belief and feeling begins to surface, you can recognize it and choose to replace it with your new fresh thought and feeling.

This will take some practice, but! once it's adjusted it will become second nature. You will look back at that list a few weeks from now, and barely recognize that person. I believe in you! Because I believe in me! And if you have made it this far, you are on your way to breaking the ceilings in your life.

Because You Deserve To Live A Great Life! - Paris

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team hairston
team hairston

How can I get the link for the download is that somewhere on your website?


team hairston
team hairston

This has been my focus all this week and last week. I have really been trying to pay attention to my thoughts and ask myself "does this thought being life or death? If the thought brings the opposite of life I identify it and change my thought and focus of a thought that brings life the rest of the day because as Paris says" I deserve a great life"

Paris Dunbar
Paris Dunbar

Oh yeah this is good Johnny! I created a document free download that encourages to just write it out and identify them on paper. Then create new ones. It's dope because when you create the news one's you feel a physical shift as you write. I know personally you are dealing with your fair share, but your fight is impeccable. Always wishing you the best possible outcome. Love you girl!

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